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I’m really rubbish at Goodbyes and I know most of you out there can relate to that too and will have experienced some kind of loss.

The past twelve months has been full of losses for me. One of my close friends moved to another country with her baby. She was my rock over here and although I speak with her every day on the phone, I miss the face to face contact, her popping round, me popping to hers, us going out etc. I miss her terribly but I feel happy and relief that she’s settled where she is.

Last Christmas, we closed our business due to lack of funding and I finished at university, so that sense of purpose has gone now although I have signed up to do an online course from home and have health and family issues now anyway which take priority.

I lost the support of a social worker who was providing emotional support and attending appointments with me.

I lost the support of a worker I had put a lot of trust in to and talked a lot about personal and past issues with. She was a regular and big part of my life.

My Nana’s health deteriorated and she ended up going from hospital into a rehab centre then into a care home. She’s changed a lot and I feel I’ve lost the Nana I was used to. I cry tears of so much sadness, pain and loss and I know she’s frustrated and I wish I could take it away for her.

I have recently been informed by my counsellor that she won’t be working with me from the end of January as she can’t commit to it anymore due to her studies. I’m devastated as I’d put my trust into her and confided a lot into her.

 My support worker has been off sick for months and has returned to tell me she won’t be seeing me or the majority of people anymore. They offered to call me each week to see how I am.

A mental health nurse who works at a crisis line is leaving this week also. She has been fantastic with me as well so am gutted she is going.

My CPN is off sick as well and the lady who was helping from the crisis team booked annual leave all over Christmas and new year.

Goodbyes are hard to do but I hold with me all the good things these people gave to me and I do appreciate what they put into me and how much they cared about me.

Even that they are going out of my life or have gone from my life, I will be forever grateful and I will hold onto the advice and support they gave me.